Spoken Word / Gig Theatre
Spoken Word Award
Buxton Fringe
"One of the most powerful voices of the Fringe this year"
- EdFringe Review
Being a girl in the business of music...
Spoken Word Award
Buxton Fringe
"Brilliant, verging on genius
The funeral party for the forgotten heroes of music...
(First published in Mslexia Issue 87, 2020)
The rock pools shone like lanterns
the bodies on the beach became frag men ted
the barking of a dog an impatient knock
on the door of your bedroom last summer
all the grains of sand were different sizes
the Frisbee or the dog was the wrong size
the castle on the cliff fell down and rebuilt itself all wrong
the old dead king inside woke up and declared war on Bridlington
we spoke openly because I might die we laughed
I dreamed of crowded streets and shouting
I said I’m sorry I haven’t had the time
I dreamed of soft brown tentacles
I wondered if things we I
might be different after the swelling subsided.
Neanderthal in New York
(First published in Tears in the Fence Issue 72, 2020)
The cave entrances are fireless / the darkest parts are artless / there’s little to hunt but fat black rats / I scavenged a carcass from the oblate floor / boneless and sea-tasting / let me tell you something about caves / the magic is song-spun but you’ve forgotten the tune / strip-lit noise / I caught a show in Broadway and I couldn’t see the sky / I gave it three stars / I went to Ground Zero and glued my ear to the earth / respects are something you pay but you can pay in other ways / I walked through Central Park and somebody shouted flat-chested bitch / when I learn about war I will assume this to be one / the donut I liked at first - that cloudberry tang - but all too quickly sick-making, far too much.
Ravenglass for Eskdale
(First published in Envoi Issue 169, 2015)
Alight here for memories of grandparents,
mudflats, and sweat under Gore-Tex.
Strap on your walking boots, wrap up
the flapjacks in two layers of cling film,
take your laminated Ordinance Survey map
and follow the hachures until you reach the sky.
Go down to the beach, dip in a toe and gasp
then surrender yourself to the ocean,
let it wash you out and up again
from Corkickle to Seascale.
Forget the bullies at school,
they have been drowned in Selker Bay.
Get lost in Skalderskew woods and emerge
in Younghusband. Die among the leaves
and let your flesh become mulch.
Your funeral will be at St Bees
and the cathedral chasm will hum with bees
or monks or friends who will miss you.
Passengers from Manchester may wish
to hold on extra tight, there’s colours here
you’ve never even seen. Slow down,
or you’ll smudge the ink of the hills.
Take care to leave your personal belongings
on the train; you won’t be needing them anymore.
“She Tells Sea Shells” – a Pecha Kucha-style piece commissioned by ARC Stockton Theatre and Apples & Snakes about the effect of wild water on wellbeing. In collaboration with sound designer Emily Compton and artist Deborah Westmancoat, whose paintings use water from natural weather events.
"Through my Window" - a collaboration with poet Sile Sibanda and videographer Laura Page on the themes of lockdown and migration. Commissioned by Migration Matters festival and Ignite Imaginations for refugee week 2020
"Aftermath" - A Virtual Reality poem commissioned by the Sheffield Year of Making 2016 and Hope Works, looking at the resuse of ex-industrial buildings in the City. Use the hand to move around inside the poem!